Nelson Nazzicari (PhD)
Senior Scientist, bioinformatician
Centre for Animal Production and Aquaculture,Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
Address: viale Piacenza 29, 26900 Lodi, Italy
E-mail: nelson.nazzicari [at] crea.gov.it
Find me online
My most up-to-date profile and production is on The Bioinformateachers. You can also find me on ResearchGate and on Google Scholar.
Research topics
- Statistics and machine learning for inference and prediction
- Genomics & co: population structure, genomic selection, association and diversity studies, metagenomics
- Next Generation Sequencing: variant calling and related topics
- founding member of The Bioinformateachers
- member of Comintart (Italian Committee for Artificial Intellingence)
- teacher at Physalia school of specialization in Berlin:
- [since 2020] Introduction to Deep Learning
- [since 2022] Data visualization in Python
- member of the Scientific Committee for The international Legume Society
- affiliated to the Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding based in Zagreb, Croatia
Research positions
- [current] Senior Scientist at CREA
- started working at CREA in September 2014 as a post doctoral researcher
- became tenured scientist in 2021 and senior scientist in 2023
- [Jan 2013 – Aug 2015] Hired scientist/statistician at PTP – Parco Tecnologico Padano, Lodi, Italy
- [Oct 2011 – Jan 2013] Post doc and contracted professor at University of Pavia, Italy, Faculty of Engineering
- Teacher for the course: “Fondamenti di informatica B, (Modulo di Fondamenti di Informatica) ING-INF/05”, focused on C programming
- [Aug 2009 – Sept 2011] Research scholar at George Mason University, Center for Secure Information Systems, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Very smart people which I had the honor of tutoring sometimes in the past:
- Margherita Crosta (2021 – ongoing)
- Salvador Osuna Caballero (2022)
- Verónica Vanesa Ergo (2021)
- Zoe Andrijanić (2021)
- Chahira Achir (2018)
- Cristina Monterrubio Martin (2018)
- Tommaso Bardelli (2018)
- [2005-2008] Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics and Electrics Engineering
- [2003-2005] Master of Science (Informatics Engineering), cum Laude
- [2000-2003] Bachelor of Science (Informatics Engineering), cum Laude
I’ve authored 35+ papers on peer reviewed journals, plus contributions to books, conferences and more. The most updated list is available on google scholar.